During the medical camp, approximately 1,020 patients were treated free of charge, and most received multiple types of medications.  This time we were blessed to have a dentist on our team, and she pulled about 215 teeth during the trip, many from people who had never seen a dentist in their lives.  Construction work continued on the main floor, with almost three-quarters of the floor being finished by the end of the trip. Many of the Kenyan construction workers were challenged by team members to consider their spiritual health, and seeds were well planted.  Presentations were made in four schools, and we also visited two children’s homes. Power Bracelets made by children in the U.S. were distributed to children during the presentations so that they may not only know the Good News but be equipped to share it with others.  Nearly 1,000 pencil kits and 2,000 toothbrushes were distributed.