In June of 2017, a very small group traveled to the Gatamaiyu clinic to remodel the interior to create space for a lab. Thanks to a very generous gift from one of our supporting churches, the finances to cover the cost of the construction and equipment were available, but we were very short on workers. A total of four men working inside, four men working outside, and a leadership team of three, were all we had. The tasks were to add two new rooms inside, to place full base and wall cabinets in two rooms, add additional electrical fixtures, and create an outdoor waiting area consisting of a concrete slab with a roof and exterior walls on two sides. We had about 7 working days to complete everything. In that short amount of time, all of the interior work was completed and most of the exterior work was completed. The remaining exterior work was finished within a week of our return to the U.S. All that remains is the purchase of the lab equipment, which is on hold until we have found a lab tech to work for one to two days each week, as we do not want it to sit and get dusty while not in use. Pray for the right lab tech to be found, one who shares our vision of ministry, so that we can begin offering lab services to the community.